Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Why Men Pull Away In Relationships

What Makes Him Pull Away from the Relationship?

Relationships are complex and delicate. They demand the perfect balance between two individuals. Something very tiny and insignificant can result in romance disaster.

Many women wonder why do men pull away? In the beginning, it all seems perfect, romantic and having the potential to last a lifetime. Suddenly, he starts losing interest and begins growing distant. What causes this transformation?

Why men pull away in relationships? The reasons are numerous. Sometimes, it may be the understanding of incompatibility. In other occasions, the behavior of a girlfriend can be destructive enough to make him pull away.

The Jealous Type

Jealousy is one of the main relationship killers. Unfortunately, many people fall victim to it because of their insecurities. Jealous girlfriends destroy their relationships before the partnership has managed to fully evolve.

Jealousy is a form of intense possessiveness and desire to control the life of a partner. People that have a jealous girlfriend or boyfriend will very often go through emotional abuse. A man will probably wish to end it if his girlfriend is acting out overly suspicious and protective.

She was Perfect in the Beginning And Then She Changed

Why do men pull away from a romantic involvement? Very often, ladies adopt a specific type of behavior that is supposed to attract men. Once the relationship starts,

their attitude changes.

The nice, nourishing and gentle girlfriend disappears. The neurotic who is overly critical steps into her shoes. Many men begin feeling that they are in a relationship with a stranger. Such transformations can destroy the love between two people.

Boring in the Bedroom

Sex is a major part of every successful relationship. Intimacy problems can be detrimental if no action is undertaken to deal with the issue.

Intimacy with the same partner can get boring. As people get to know each other better, the initial passion subsides. It is also possible for the couple to start having sex fewer times per week. These changes are normal but if the sex becomes routine and boring, the relationship is doomed.

So many women are uncertain in their sexuality. Many girls believe that being more open and experimental about it will signify that they are easy. Such thoughts and ideas will often make men pull away, especially if their girlfriends are unwilling to change or at least try something new.

Wedding Bells

Men are likely to pull away if their girlfriends begin moving too fast. A relationship should follow its natural pace. Things that are rushed will usually never last.

Some women feel desperate. They will hold on to a new relationship, imagining marriage and starting a family with a partner. This is great, as long as it happens at the right time. Rushing things will make him pull away.


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