Thursday, May 26, 2016

NLP Can Allow You To Achieve Anything You Desire

By George Hutton

Have you ever heard of NLP? This has often been called the greatest communication system that has ever been developed. If youve never heard of it, it is a collection of powerful tools that can be used in almost any situation, to create almost any outcome youd like.

What is NLP, and where did it come from? Most people will tell you that NLP is the model of excellence. And the first few people whose "excellence" was modeled were therapists, and so NLPs first pass at modeling "excellence" was modeling excellent communicators.

One of the first people they modeled with NLP was Dr. Milton Erickson. He had created his own from of hypnosis. Instead of sitting you down in a chair and waving a watch in front of you and trying to convince you that your eyes were getting heavier and heavier, he had a different method. He would tell you these stories and metaphors that didnt make a whole lot of sense, but somehow they would solve all your problems.

Just from this one genius, a model of communication that is known as the Milton Model was created. This is likely the most persuasive and influential strategy that you can learn.
Politicians and the best salespeople today use this model, either knowingly or unknowingly. If you search online for the Milton Model, youll find an abundance of free information to get you started.

Another way to describe NLP is an objective description of the human experience. When you see most counselors, if you have any kind of problem, they will try and figure out why you have a certain problem. Mommy was mean to you, etc. But in NLP, they simply ask how you have the problem, and then change your thinking around slightly and get rid of it without worrying about the why.

What is arguably the greatest application of NLP is modeling itself. Just like they modeled Milton Erickson and other great communicators, you can use NLP to model whoever you want, to learn any skill you want. The skys the limit. Musicians, artists, architects, any skill you want, you can model the best in the world with NLP, and learn exactly how to get your skills to their level. - 31368

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