Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Does My Ex Girlfriend Still Care About Me These 9 Questions Reveal The Answer

After being in a great relationship for a long time it can be very difficult for us to accept that it has actually ended. You still keep wondering does she still love me? Does she still care about me or think about me? Is there a chance we can get back together? Its very important to get an idea of whether your ex girlfriend still cares about you or not so you can figure out what to do next!

Below are the 9 questions you can use to get an idea of how your ex girlfriend feels about you:

1. Does she try to keep in contact with you? This could be by text message, WhatsApp, Facebook etc.

2. Does she show any feelings or emotions towards you, positive or negative?

3. When you do talk, does she bring up stories from your past together or use old nicknames she had for you?

4. If she is with another guy now does it seem like she is trying to make a show of it? Does it feel like she cares more about making you jealous rather than her relationship with that guy?

5. Has she been asking any of your mutual friends about you, just to see how you are doing?

6. Does she ever bring up issues about how your relationship ended or spend time reflecting on it?

7. Has she changed a lot since the breakup? Has she started putting more effort into her appearance and seem to be generally happier and more


8. Has she done anything that may suggest she regrets the breakup at all?

9. If you are in the same room together does she stare at you, when she believes you are not looking?

If at least 4 of your answers were yes then it is very likely that your ex girlfriend still cares about you. What happens next is up to you! You have a choice of either trying to move on with your life and put this break up behind you or you can try win your love back. Either way the most important thing for you to do now is to go slow and take your time in making a decision. You need to let your wounds heal and get rid of any negative emotions you may be feeling right now in order to make the right decision for you.

If after a month of no contact you still realise that both you and your ex girlfriend still care about each other and you want a second chance at a relationship its very important that you have a good plan to get her back. Annoyingly our emotional instincts ruin things for us. If you trust your instincts you will make some bad decisions that will kill your chances of ever getting her back.

Do not underestimate the importance of this one month recovery phase. Its essential to both moving on and getting your ex back.

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