Saturday, May 21, 2016

Why the United States Foreign Policy Is Similar To Your Relationship Issues

Anyone with the ability to think things through can work out that the United States needs to lessen its dependence on oil and build up its ability to survive without relying upon hostile friendships.

Anyone with an ounce of objectivity knows that the United States should never have entered Afghanistan or Iraq - and they know that the only reason these wars have prevailed is because of a desperation to control the flow of oil combined with a necessity to control the region in order to sustain the American and European way of greed, I mean life.

Why am I talking about TROOP WITHDRAWAL?

Because it can be related to relationships, of course.

Many relationships are sustained out of desperation.

Many relationships survive through a hostile friendship.

These relationships are uncomfortable and painful for the participants, yet the participants do not end the relationship because they cannot be objective about their situation... Much like the USA cannot be objective about their greed and their need for the oil of the Middle East and beyond.

If we are objective about our situation we can make far better decisions.

For example - if the USA could see that they are involved in a bad relationship with the Middle East, then they might make better decisions about their energy consumption.

Just as the wife who is being verbally abused, or the husband who is abusing, might make better decisions if they were objective about their situation.

Sustaining the status quo out of fear is the wrong thing to do.

Accepting the status quo because that is how it has always been is lazy and stupid.

Allowing a bad relationship to continue because you refuse to stand up and do the right thing is an outrage (to you and to those you love).

It is very easy to see where others are making mistakes because we are removed from the situation and therefore we are objective.

It is not so easy to see where we are making fundamental mistakes when we are being subjective about the situation - we are only seeing it from our point of


The abused wife only sees that her husband provides financial security (she does not see that she is ruining her childrens lives in the process), and the husband who abuses does not see the stress that his anger puts on himself and those around him, he simply relishes the power he wields.

The Middle East uses the USA for financial gain whilst being militarily and politically abused by a nation that has forgotten how much stress their power and control has placed upon its own population (with extreme debt and international bad-blood circling all around).

The TROOP WITHDRAWAL by the USA from Iraq will immediately lessen the financial burden, and will ultimately lead to the USA being viewed in a more favorable light by requiring the USA to create and sustain their own forms of energy and power.

If you are involved in a bad relationship, whether you are the abused or the abuser, it is time for you to enact your own TROOP WITHDRAWAL (for both of your sakes, and for the sake of your children).

By changing the playing field, by changing the players in the game, by trying something different, you will improve your life and the lives of those you are responsible for.

Either way, stand up and fight for yourself, and stop fighting against somebody else.

By extricating yourself from the situation you change the relationship for the better.

Extricate yourself from a bad situation and work out a better way to live.

The USA needs to learn the lesson - they need to stop waging wars in regions they are beholden to for all the wrong reasons, and they need to re-think their game plan on energy consumption.

Couples in bad relationships need to learn the lessons and stop repeating the same mistakes - they need to make sure that they do not allow bad relationships to continue in their life.

If you need to fight to get what you want, then you are in the wrong relationship.

Im already against the next war.

This news article is brought to you by EMOTIONAL-FREEDOM-TECHNIQUE - where latest news are our top priority.


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