Saturday, May 21, 2016

How to Make My Ex Call Me Back By Tomorrow Just Use This Simple Message

I really want to talk to my ex. But they dont even bother to call me back. What should I do now? How can I make my ex call me back?

Getting Your Ex To Call You Back Is Really Easy

Well, this is a very common problem faced by a lot of men and women who are trying to get their ex back. Fortunately, it is not that difficult to get your ex to return your call. In this article, I am going to share with you a method that works really well.

All you really need to do is to follow step by step. If everything goes smoothly, you can expect a phone call from your ex by tomorrow.

2 Important Elements That Will Make Your Ex Call You Back By Tomorrow

In order for the plan to work, there are 2 important elements that you cannot leave out. Let us take a look at these 2 elements now.

Element 1: Curiosity

I am sure you have heard of the phrase, curiosity kills that cat. But do you know that curiosity can kill a human being too?

It is just like the characters you see in those detective novels. The lead character got so curious about this secret society that he decides to investigate them even at the risk of his own life.

Here is a fact. Human beings are curious by nature. Of course, not everyone will be willing to risk their life to satisfy their curiosity.

However, people are generally willing to do a lot more than usual in order to satisfy their curiosity. Therefore, if you really want your ex to call you back, you need to make them really curious.

Element 2: What Is In It For Me

Without a doubt, there are many selfless and altruistic people in this

world. However, most people are more concerned about their own problems than anything. In other words, most people will have the what is in it for me mentality.

Therefore, if you want your ex to call you back, you need to make sure that it is something that concerns them. Remember, it is not about you. It is about them.

That is why text messages or emails such as "I really need to talk to you" usually dont work. This is because it is all about your needs to talk to them. There is nothing in it for them to talk to you.

Just Send Your Ex This Simple Message And Wait For Your Ex To Call You In 24 Hours

Here is a message you can use to get your ex to call you within 24 hours. You can either send a text message or leave a voice mail.

So here is the message, "Hey (Name of Your Ex), thank you very much for what you have done for me. Do call me so that I can thank you personally. Regards, (Your Name)"

(Note: Sometimes your ex may hesitate a while before calling or they may be busy. So dont panic if your ex doesnt get back to you in 24 hours. Just wait a few days and you should be able to receive a phone call from them.)

Of course, you dont have to use this message word for word. Feel free to modify this message so that it fits your slang or personality.

So Why Is This Message So Effective?

First, it is going to make your ex extremely curious. Your ex will be scratching their head wondering why you want to say thank you. This satisfies element 1 as we have discussed above.

Second, this message is all about what your ex has done for you. It is not all about you. This satisfies element 2.


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