Saturday, May 21, 2016

Trying to Win Your Ex Back Learn the Right and Wrong Way to Apologize

By Jason Jee

Are you having an emotional breakdown? If yes, then you have come to the right place to get some advices to win your ex lover back. Apparently, there is no relevance on the mistakes that were committed and who committed them. The relationship had already reached its limitation and the issue that should be addressed is the proper way to win your ex lover back.

In this circumstance, it seems wrong to magnify the issue of who had committed the mistake. So instead, apologize properly and sincerely. Making an apology is difficult especially to people who are egoistic. Even though it is difficult, it is still the wisest thing to do. Hence, apologize with all your heart and give yourself some credit.

Apology is a very vital tool to win your ex lover back. Be aware that apology has two sides: the good and the bad. This implies that apology can help you but it may also cause pain and suffering. With a right apology, you can absolutely bring your ex back. However, if you do it too often, it may cause you more troubles and problems.

In an apology, there are some rules that you may need to follow so that you can apologize effectively to win your ex
lover back. For some people, love comes only ones in a lifetime. If this is your case, then you must familiarize yourself on how to prevent the following mistakes.

The right apology does not emphasize who had committed the mistakes and had caused more pain. Accepting full responsibility is vital in your case. You need to apologize and accept the blame even though deep down you know who had caused the turmoil. Hence, do not expect and ask for an apology.

While you are asking for forgiveness, sincerity is essential. If you cannot remain sincere, then do not give any explanations why you had committed the mistakes. Never say buts and false promises. As much as possible, you should not cause more tension and heartaches.

Finally, apologize at the right moment to avoid saying things that you will soon regret. If the wounds are still fresh, you might not think logically and cause more complication and misunderstanding. So, offer yourself and your ex some time to think and heal. - 31368

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