While friends and family can be helpful in advising one on the divorce decision, most people feel the need for professional help in sorting through what has happened and determining what to do about the situation. There are a wide variety of sources for professional help, which include counselors, therapists and psychologists. They have varying degrees of
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You should approach a counselor who has been personally recommended by your friends or relatives and whose opinion is trusted. This recommendation should not be the over-riding determination, of course, but this "personal" impression can provide additional input to consider along with an assessment of the professional qualification.
Another factor is the gender of the counselor, as some people feel more comfortable with a counselor of the same sex. For couples, theres always the possibility of receiving counseling from a male/female team of professionals, which resolves any issue as to the sex of the counselor. If not, they will need to test their experience with either a male of female counselor and evaluate their feelings about the experience, being open to considering the other alternative.
In addition, it is important to find a counselor who believes in honesty and encourages honest communication. The first step, of course, is for the couple to determine whether they want to strive for honest communication about all aspects of this issue and to develop an honest relationship. If this is the case, then its crucial to find a counselor who will reinforce this effort. Since many counselors believe theres a danger in too much honesty, this is an issue that will need to be discussed to determine whether an agreement can be reached as to the goals of counseling in this regard.
Honesty is only one of the issues to be resolved in terms of the goals of counseling. A couple also needs to be clear as possible as to whether their primary goal is to stay together or to achieve the best personal recovery, regardless of whether or not that involves staying together. They should also consider if their goal is to achieve a good understanding of what happened or put it behind them as quickly as possible. They need to communicate their goals to the counselor to determine if the counselor is comfortable in helping them work toward achieving those goals.
For more information on where to get help after divorce, divorce laws, divorce courts, effects of divorce on the children, divorce procedures or divorce preparation, please visit the following website: http://divorce.mygeneralknowledge.com/divorce-counseling.php.
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