Sunday, May 22, 2016

Powerful Kamakhya Devi mantra

Kamakhya Beej Mantra:-

????? ????? ???????? ????? ????? ??? |
 Kleem Kleem Kaamaakhyaa Kleem Kleem namah |

Kamakhya Vashikaran Mantra:-

Om namo kamakshi devi aamuki me vansham kuru kuru swaha |
Kamakhya Devi Mantra:--
#565656;">Kamakhy Varade Devi Nilparvatvasini,
Twam Devi Jagatam Mataryonimudre Namostute |

Kamakhya Pranam Mantra:-

Kamakhye kaam sampane kamesvari hari priye,
Kaamnaam dehi me nityem kaamesvari namostute|
According to Hindu Mythology chanting of Kamakhya Mantra regularly is the most powerful way to please Goddess Kamakhya and get her blessing.
How to chant Kamakhya Mantra
To get the best result you should chant Kamakhya Mantra early morning after taking bath and in front of Goddess Kamakhya Idol or picture. You should first understand the Kamakhya Mantra meaning in hindi to maximize its effect.
Benefits of Kamakhya Mantra
Regular chanting of Kamakhya Mantra gives peace of mind and keeps away all the evil from your life and makes you healthy, wealthy and prosperous.


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