You know now that you were in the wrong and that you really cant blame your ex girlfriend for wanting to break up with you. You feel like if you could just have another chance to get things right with her, then you would be able to prove to her that you really do love her and that you have learned your lesson. While that is all well and good, that does not really change the situation right now and that situation is, you want her back but she is the one who broke up with you. Can you win back your ex girlfriend if you were the one that messed up?
It all depends on what you did and how deep the emotional scars are that you left on her. Some things can be forgiven a lot more easily than others and you have to keep that in mind if you are serious about trying to win back your ex girlfriend.
Lets take a look at some of the common ways that you might have messed up and see if you stand a chance of winning her back:
1. You cheated on her.
Cheating can be the ultimate deal breaker and you have to realize that. For some women, even one instance of cheating is more than enough for them to feel like they can never trust you again. The more times that you did cheat on her that she knows about, the harder it is going to be for you to try and show her that it will never happen again. This is one of the "mess ups" that a guy can make that he might not be able to clean up. Of course, if you are able to prove to her that it wont happen again as well as make her feel like
2. You acted too jealous in the relationship.
Being jealous to a certain extent is natural, but being too jealous is another story. Most women take this as a red flag that you might end up being controlling or manipulative. Or, they may just see it as an insecurity that turns them off. No matter what, you dont want to be too jealous at all when you are dating a woman and if you do feel a little bit of that "natural" jealousy - you want to try and hide it as much as possible. If you were too jealous when you were dating her, usually the thing that you need to do is prove to her over time that you are not going to behave that way again. If you can do that, then you may be able to win her back.
3. You did not make time for her.
Taking a woman for granted is never a good thing and if you make her feel like you didnt care enough about her, it can be one of the things that will make her break up with you. However, it can also be one of the easiest mess ups that a guy can make to turn around. Again, this is something that takes time, as you have to prove that you are not going to take her for granted, but it can be done. So, if this was your mistake, I would say that you do really stand a good chance of being able to win her back if you want to.
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