Thursday, May 12, 2016

Three Simple Tricks That Will Make Finding Your Ideal Match Automatic

By Russ J. Paulson

If youve been online any amount of time then you know prevalent online dating sites are. Maybe youve even tried a few, with varying degrees of success. In this article Ill give you three basic tips that can dramatically improve your chances of success, whatever it is for you.

Before you even start looking, youll need to know exactly what it is you are looking for. Short term fun? Long term commitment? Secret partner for a once in a while rendezvous? The beginnings of a traditional family with kids and a house? Whatever it is you are after, make sure you know what it is. You cant find what youre looking for if you dont know what it is.

Next is to determine exactly who you will be hooking up with. Be as clear and specific as possible, about as many things as possible. Come up with three basic categories: Must haves, like to haves, and cant haves. Go easy on the must haves and the cant haves, other wise youll make it hard on yourself.

Next, you need to come up with a list of all your positive qualities. All of them. Be generous with yourself, but dont lie. Nothing will kill a face to face date quicker than somebody who obviously lied on their profile. There is enough people out there that you simply dont need to do this. Believe it or not, there really is somebody for everybody.

Now youre ready to start hunting. Contact as many people as you can that meet your minimum requirements. Online dating is numbers game more than anything else, so dont get hung up on one person too soon. Sort through as many as possible, and youll find your match fairly quickly.

Once you get a good handle on these three steps, youll be well on your way to finding Mr. or Mrs. Right. (Or Mr. or Mrs. right now, if thats what youre after!) The trick is to keep at it, and make it a daily habit. Before you know it youll be falling asleep in somebodys arms. - 31368

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