Thursday, May 12, 2016

Text Your Ex Boyfriend Back

There are many ways to get your ex boyfriend back and you have probably already tried some of them. Technology has changed the way we all do things and texting is one of those things that makes our world different than when losing your ex boyfriend happened a few decades ago. Did you know you can harness this technology to get your ex boyfriend back? Most people today spend hours of their day simply texting. You and your ex boyfriend are probably not different in this respect. So youve taken the first step and had the thought of getting your ex boyfriend back by texting him.

Your next thought was probably “How do I do it?” and “Can I text my ex boyfriend back in my life?” It is simple enough to compose and send a text message, but you might be at a loss of what to send to him. Youre in luck because were going to help you in a few simple steps what you need to do.

The fastest and shortest path (bar none) back into their heart, mind and soul. This is so counter-intuitive it may never occur to you

Step 1: Remembering The Good Times

Dont jump in with a serious attempt to get your ex boyfriend back right from the start. This is a mistake. What will serve you best is to text him about the good times you guys have shared. Think of when you were with him and you both were smiling and a laughing together. A moment where you were happier than can you ever remember being. If you can find pictures of these events make sure that is in the text. Pictures can bring up emotions and memories that the written word is unable to do. The moments where you think back on and cant help but smile should be your filter for what is probably best to send to him. You want to stir in him the feelings and emotions of those good times.

Step 2: Onward To Intimacy

After you have been able to build up the text messaging more and more so you are texting more often together its time to take the next step and create some intimacy. Your goal is to make your ex come to the conclusion that the two of you should get back together again. This can be accomplished by reminding him of how close you used to be. This step will be a lot easier if your ex boyfriend is going through a hard time in his life, but if you are careful with your wording and tone in your texts it can still work. Let your ex know that youre there for him and that if he needs anything youll be there.

Step 3: Put It All On The Line

The last and most scary step on this process is to let your ex know how you feel. You have to put everything on the line for the text that says what your heart is feeling. If you do this too soon you may drive him away. This is the last step because now you have nothing to hide behind except the phone youre typing into. You dont want to scare him away. You may find yourself typing and then deleting this text message many times. Dont worry, thats ok, because this message really needs to get across your feelings and articulate them well. You will want to do this right. You may even want to include a time and place to meet your ex with this text message so that you have an opportunity to tell him in person so he can see just how serious you are about your feelings.

Wish you could start over? Take away hurtful things you said? Turn back time? Using a combination of the Clean Slate Method and “breaking the pattern” you can - quickly and easily

Technology has only changed the playing field and not the processes. If you are thinking of texting your ex boyfriend back then follow the steps above. Pay careful attention to move only as fast as you need to and what you feel is the most comfortable pace with your ex. This is not impossible so dont lose hope. Stick with it and youll text your ex boyfriend back into your life.

If youve found your way here then probably either you or someone you know is going through a tough break up. I know things look bad now but the last word hasnt been spoken yet. Even if you think your break up is final if youre determined to get back together then you really can do it. Many relationships that go through a break up end up getting back together. It may sound hard to believe but just because youve broken up doesnt mean that your relationship is over for good.


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