Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Wedding Ceremony Types

By Geraldine Dimarco

For those of you who do not know, a wedding is a legal ceremony that commences a union between two people. Whilst the ceremony may occur in a church or other religious place the marriage is not recognized until the marriage certificate is signed by the bride, groom and witnesses.

Church Ceremonies

As soon as you look outside of your own race, religious and social group, the wedding tradition can become very complex. Many people, whether religious or not, still prefer to have a traditional ceremony performed by a recognized religious minister in a Church of their choice, together with traditional wedding ceremony decorations, wedding ceremony music and usually wedding ceremony readings as well.

Twin Ceremonies

A different type occasion often difficult to arrange is where two couples are married simultaneously, usually called a double wedding. If twins or two sisters or two brothers happen to be considering marriage at around the same time, they may consider a double wedding, particularly if they are close. It can also save some money, of course, since many of the guests would be invited to both weddings if they occurred separately. And of course, theres only one set of wedding ceremony decorations, and wedding ceremony music to arrange (unless the couples have consecutive ceremonies rather than simultaneous, in which case the wedding ceremony music can be different).

Weddings in a Foreign Country

These days it is easy for couples to arrange a wedding in another country and have the guests travel to them with the honeymoon continuing afterwards. It doesnt matter exactly where you travel to, whether it is in Egypt or just to Las Vegas it will still be considered a destination wedding, but the planning, and the type of wedding ceremony you opt for, may be considerably different. While wedding ceremony music and wedding ceremony decorations are commonly present in wedding ceremony venues in Las Vegas, youd be less likely to find them in an Egyptian destination wedding. Wedding ceremony readings can occur anywhere, if you choose to have them. And wedding ceremony music may be able to be organized, particularly if you are prepared to use recorded wedding ceremony music. And as for your wedding ceremony decorations, if you want them at all, you can probably keep them simple and yet still look effective.

Weekend Break Weddings

A weekend wedding is where couples and their guests celebrate over the course of a weekend. Special activities, such as spa treatments and golf tournaments, are scheduled into the itinerary for guests enjoyment throughout the weekend. Accommodation for these is normally arranged at the place where the service is going to take place and where the other events are also being held. Wedding ceremony music, wedding ceremony decorations and wedding ceremony readings may certainly form part of a weekend wedding, just a they would with any type of wedding.

An Online Wedding Ceremony

Although it has not really caught on yet, a few bold and different people have decided to tie the knot online but it may be sometime before this style of wedding really becomes more popular. There are even guides for information on how to go about an internet ceremony with information on people that can carry it out for you. Marriages that are broadcast live online are also referred to as online weddings. These broadcast wedding ceremonies are far more likely to be traditional wedding ceremonies with music and decorations, since they may be taking place in a traditional wedding ceremony function center but be being broadcast for relatives or friends who live overseas or are otherwise unable to make it in person to the wedding ceremony.

City Hall Marriages

Local civil authority services are called civil weddings as they do not take place in a church and must be performed by a locally elected or appointed official. For people that elect this type of ceremony it is not important to them if God or religion is referred to in such a brief service. Many civil ceremonies take place in local town or city halls or courthouses in judges chambers, and wedding ceremony music is unlikely to be present, or if it is it will certainly be kept to a minimum. Wedding ceremony readings will similarly need to be kept extremely short, and wedding ceremony decorations may also be absent. - 31368

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