Saturday, April 2, 2016

How To Get Your Ex Back

So your relationship has ended, but you just cant shake the feeling that your ex is still the one you need to be with. Now youre in the situation of having to win your ex back. This is exciting territory, but if you arent careful then you might make your chances of getting back together even worse. There are plenty of wrong ways to go about it, but the good news is that there are plenty of right ways too. Here are some of the best tips on how to get your ex back:

1. Avoid becoming obsessive. First of all, there are a few things you want to make sure to avoid. You certainly dont want to come off as obsessive or needy. While you might personally feel assured that you belong back together with your ex right now, you have to remember that your ex might not feel exactly the same way - at least not yet. Be patient and think of this as an opportunity to show how mature you are, not how annoying you can be.

2. Consider how you can change. Before even making a plan, you have to consider why you broke up. Trying to put a bad relationship back together is like trying to make a delicious meal with spoiled ingredients - it just isnt going to work out. You want to seriously think about what you did to contribute to ending the relationship, then make changes. Think of breaking up as a learning opportunity - think about what can you improve about yourself If nothing changes then youll likely end up with the same result; and dont just make changes for show, actually push yourself to become a better person.

3. Communicate face to face. Its important that your ex is able to see whatever personal changes you make. This is where you talk. Talking with an ex can be intimidating, especially if the relationship ended on bad terms. But if you really want to know how to get your ex back, you have to know how to communicate kindly, clearly, and honestly. No texting, no Facebook messages. Call them and request a short get together, perhaps over some coffee. If youve made changes, make sure that your ex is aware of them. You might even need to put an "Im sorry" or two into your conversation. Many exes might say, "Ill believe it when I see it." So show them. When your ex sees how different you are, it will prove youre ready for commitment.

4. Make a statement. But true romance, true relationships, dont just magically arise. The magic comes from effort. Find a way to make a statement about how you feel about your ex. Be original and creative, such as serenading them outside of their window, sending them flowers or a gift to their work.

5. Give them what they need. The process might be slow. But be patient. Theres no need to text them 300 times a day. You want to make sure that you are giving your ex and yourself exactly what you need. Often, this means a little bit of time and space apart first. You want to give the impression that youre not just jumping into the old relationship, but are ready to begin something fresh, new, and exciting with a person you care about. Remember that theres no single formula on how to get your ex back, but as long as youre caring and improving, you have a great chance of making your ex feel the same way you do.

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