Monday, April 18, 2016

How Do I Get Her Back After A Break Up

"How do I get her back?", I hear you say after she has dumped you. You will both be feeling very emotional at this time and the best advice is to give each other some space for a few days. How you go about getting her back depends on why she dumped you. Did you cheat on her? Did she find someone else and this is why she finished with you? It may even be an argument that split you up.

If you were guilty of cheating then the best chance you have of getting her back is to say sorry and really mean it. She probably wont feel like talking to you for a while and if you try to call her she may put the phone down. Time is important here so dont leave it too long before you try to speak to her again. Dont be pushy, and dont beg her to take you back. If you want to know how to get her back, play it cool.

Tell her how sorry you are and how much you love her. If she still wont listen, you could try sending her some flowers with a nice card. In fact you should send her flowers anyway. Be up front with your ex and tell her about the other girl and why you felt the need to cheat. Was there something missing in your relationship? Communication is the key in winning her back and keeping your renewed relationship alive.

If your girlfriend cheated on you and found someone else, then you need to get on with your life and resist the temptation to keep texting or calling her. Let her contact you when she is ready. In this situation there is little you can do. Get out and socialise with your friends, and dont sit around hoping that she will change her mind.

After a few weeks you could call her and ask how she is. Keep things casual and suggest meeting up occasionally. At least you will still be in her life and there to offer support when things go wrong. Lots of couples get back together after months or years apart, so dont give up hope.

If the cause of the break up was an argument then you both need to sit down somewhere quiet and talk things through. "So how do I get her back if she wont talk to me?", I hear you say. Firstly what was the argument about? The most common issues are money, lack of time spent together, children and family.

Try calling her after about a week and suggest that you meet up somewhere where you can talk. This gives time for things to cool down, as things said in regret are often said in the heat of the moment. Take it in turns to give your side of the argument and dont interrupt your girlfriend when its her time to talk.

I hope I given you some tips that can help you answer your question "how do I get her back?". Just remember to play it cool and avoid chasing after her as this will make you look desperate and she wont respect you for it.

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