Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Please Dont Make Your Man Sit Through Another Tear Jerker

By Nicole Dean

If romance is not a very serious matter in your house, join the club. From what Im hearing, most women find their men to be more inclined to get snuggly when they are laughing and happy. And it usually follows that when your man is happy, youll be happy, too.

I know my husband does not want to sit around, sniffling like a baby, while were watching some tear-jerker. The idea of spending a romantic evening together doesnt start with watching a movie that will tear our hearts out. If I came home with some miserable, sad movie, that happened to have a love story in it somewhere, the romantic evening planned for the two of us would come to a crushing halt. Ladies, Ive listed four movies here that are definitely in the Dont-Even-Think-About-Making-Him-Watch-That category.

1) The Notebook - Heres your spoiler alert: they die together. Okay? He adores her, she doesnt know who he is because she has alzheimers. They connect for a few shining moments, and then all hell breaks loose. Sob your eyes out and see where your nice cuddly evening ends up. Watch this with your girlfriends.

2) Closer - Even though this movie has heavy-hitters like Natalie Portman, Julie Roberts, and Jude Law, they dont make up for the sad plot twists. Beautiful "exotic dancer" gets run over by car, witnessed by man who becomes attracted to her, at first, but then moves on to another beautiful woman. They are in love, that is until she marries somebody else, which actually doesnt stop them from being "in love" all over the place. Then, what about the beautiful stripper who still loves the man? Just too sad all around for a nice, romantic night.

3) A Walk To Remember - Sappy sentimental young people falling in love. Tragic consequences and kissy face are just not going to make the man in your life smile. Lets move on.

4) The Bridges Of Madison County - Dont even think about it. You are so far from funny here you cant even imagine. Ladies, if youve seen this movie and think that it might be a nice choice for date night, youve totally forgotten what the movie was about. Watch this again with your gal-pals and enjoy the moment when you know whats going to happen. Then join in the shouting and the cursing at the unfairness of it all. Discuss with your girlfriends the true meaning of marriage, and cover the same ground over and over again if you must. By, by no means watch this with your man. He may never laugh again.

Its not bad to have our men get a bit weepy at sentimental parts in the movies, but an overwhelming feeling of defeat or sorrow wont do much for your date night cuddle time. You need movies that have a generous dose of laughs, mixed with a little tender talk, to hit the right balance for a man. Ive put together a list of four Have-A-Few-Laughs movies that I think youll both enjoy.

1) Dan In Real Life - Funny movies that you can relate to are always a plus. Steve Carell seems like he could be your neighbor, or even yourself. Hes, well, real. He plays a widower, which although is sad, is not the focus of the movie. After some time of being alone and lonely, he meets a wonderful woman, quite by accident, while hes on his way to a big family reunion. Sparks ignite, hes a happy man. Until he meets his brothers girlfriend. Oops... same woman. They keep it on the q.t., but of course things have to go awry eventually. Great fights, lots of laughs, some family issues, good characters, and the beautiful Juliette Binoche bring this movie all together. Nice way to spend a night alone with your man. Good laughs, good love.

2) The Holiday - Theres a bit of sexy romping in this movie between Cameron Diaz and Jude Law, so that will certainly entice your man to take a chance on this movie. Once you get into it, youll both enjoy the situations that develop between the other characters, too, played by Kate Winslet and Jack Black. The women exchange houses for the Holidays in order to escape their respective miserable love-lives. Once immersed in the very different lifestyle they find themselves in, all sorts of storylines develop that keep you and your man smiling, laughing, and even feeling a few tugs at the ol heart. Not too much, but just enough to get you both all cuddly.

3) Hitch - Matchmaker Will Smith is good at what he does. He gets men past the first date by teaching them all the right moves and lines. His advice isnt working so well on himself, however, when he falls for Eva Mendes, a woman whos on to him and his moves. The dating stories and Smiths struggle with his own dating techniques have lots of funny storylines and even some sweet tales. Just to watch Smith so smooth and confident as a "date coordinator" totally fall on his face in his own dating world makes for lots of laughs. Your man will enjoy the characters and the clever little plot, and then hell get interested in the romance going on.

4) Click - Although this movie has a couple moments of darkness, the characters, played by Adam Sandler and the beautiful Kate Beckinsale, really outshine the few weighty moments. Hey, its about life in a marriage, theres got to be SOME weighty moments! Adam Sandler is given a remote control by none other than Christopher Walken, whos character is incredibly outrageous. We soon learn that the "clicker" controls life. Now wouldnt that be handy, you say. If youre like most people trying to manage a family-life, you know how sometimes you would really like to fast-forward, rewind, pause, or mute the scene going on around you. Good message-movie, but loaded with laughs. You and your man will truly appreciate the laughs you can share watching this movie family go through many of the same things we all go through, and then some!

Its good to laugh, especially when youre spending time alone with your man. Pick a night to share a funny, and touching, movie, curl up in front of the television, laugh a little and cuddle a lot! - 31368

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