Monday, April 25, 2016

Lost That Lovin Feeling

By Haylee Landford

Valentines Day approaches, saturated in romantic opportunities. If you are one of the millions of Valentines Day celebrators that are married, maybe you are running out of ideas of how to keep connected with your spouse. It doesnt have to be Valentines Day for you to try these relationship building tactics.

It goes without saying that you should find the similarities that you have with your spouse, but are the differences really that bad? I suggest having a two-faced date night. You start by spending the first half of the evening doing whatever the wife wants to do, and the second half doing what the husband wants to do.

This does require you to be a good sport when its your significant others turn. But, this way you each learn new things about how the other enjoys spending their time. You may be surprised when your husband wants to go thrift store shopping or your wife wants to go to the arcade.

Another way to bond is not waiting for a power outage to like some candles. Or you can even be safe with some soft lamps, lanterns, or flashlights. The whole point is to then sit down and read a book together. The dim lights make it quite necessary to get a close together as possible in read the words.

Books are always a good idea in a relationship for stimulating good conversation. You will love all you learn about each other as you discuss the themes, topics and ideas from the books you read. A good example is that by seeing how your spouse sees and understands certain characters, you can use that to see a different side to them.

Giving presents is a sure fire winner, but why not trying something much less expensive. The modern world of fast communication has robbed us of the good old fashioned love letter. Many movies and stories have glamorized the joy of writing and receiving letters from someone you love.

Surprise your spouse with a letter in the mailbox expressing the sweet feelings you have for them. Send it from work, or just the post office, and the mystery will bring such a smile to their face when they know its from you. Plus, it only costs a stamp.

If your spouse is lucky enough for you to afford a lavish present, why not get the most substantial gift your money can buy. Imagine the gesture of giving your loved one acres of land or property. It is a sure expression of the longevity you see in your marriage. You could give it as the future site for a custom built home, which would thrill any wife.

Plus, there isnt any kind of man that doesnt feel the self importance of owning his own land. Its such a sure concrete expression of the immense feelings you have. Plus, land is a commodity that will always hold value.

With all this said, nothing can replace the time you spend together. Whatever you do or give, just making the better half of yourself feel worth your time, is the most precious gift. In your own way, be sure to do it with all your heart. - 31368

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