Friday, April 29, 2016

How To Know What To Say To Get Your Ex Back

Do you know what to say to get your ex back? You dont want to appear desperate yet you want your ex to know that you still have feelings for him or her. So what do you say? The best thing is to play it cool and dont chase after your ex by constantly texting or phoning. If you were the one who ended the relationship and now bitterly regret it, you have to say sorry. What made you break up? Were you dating someone else and now realise too late that you love your ex?

Did you catch him or her cheating? If the first is true then you need to give your ex a couple of days to calm down and then call him or her. After saying sorry, you need to be honest and just say"if I could go back in time I wouldnt have cheated, and now I realise how much I love you. I hope you can forgive me and that we can at least stay in touch as friends". This doesnt put any pressure on your ex as you arent begging him or her to get back with you, yet you are still saying that you love him or her.

Dont make any more calls for a couple of weeks, even if its tempting to pick up the phone, or send another text. If you dont hear from your ex in that time you could call to say "hi", but just keep it very casual. Knowing what to say to get your ex back can be hard, but the golden rule is never push things. Just keep it light and friendly.

If your ex broke up with you, then the same rule of not chasing after him or her applies. Dont beg your ex to take you back as this will make you look desperate. Use a bit of reverse psychology by actually agreeing to the break up, and even say that you think its a good idea! This will be the last thing your ex was expecting and will put you in control. It could soon get your ex wondering if he or she made the right decision.

Dont text or phone, but let your ex get in touch with you. If you have used the reverse psychology tactic then this may be sooner than you think. So now you need to know what to say to get your ex back if he or she calls you. Play it cool and dont let him or her see how excited you are. Just say that you are happy to hear from him or her. If your ex asks you to meet up, just say that you are busy at the moment, even if you arent. You dont want to be seen as just waiting around waiting for your ex to call. Say that you will phone in a few days when you have some spare time.

So now you know what to say to get your ex back. The important thing is not to let your ex think you are desperate to get back together, even if you feel the break up was your fault.


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