Tuesday, April 5, 2016

How to End a Relationship

Being in love is one of the greatest things life can offer. Everyday is filled with sunshine and rainbows. But love can also be the greatest cause of misery known to man, because when a love relationship goes wrong, ones world practically collapses.

Now it is important to know how to end a relationship if you know for sure that it does not work out. This may be the hardest decision you will ever make, but it also can be your best one. Nothing is worse than being trapped in an unhealthy relationship that only drain your tears day after day.

When you realise you no longer want to commit to a certain someone, use your head and not your heart. You will have a pile of sweet memories that you like to hang on to, but remember, memories as they are, only part of the past. They are no longer here, they are gone. Things have changed, and those sweet imageries may never repeat themselves. So dont let those impair your judgement.

Breaking up may sound like a simple thing to do, but it is really not. You have been close together and have been part of each others life for some time now, it will take a lot of courage to end it, not to mention the heart break that follows, even though you are the one who wants the break up.

Here are a few simple tips when you are ending a relationship:

1. Prepare yourself. It is a lot harder to deal with yourself than to deal with your partner. You can never do it if your head and heart do not agree with each other. Be sure about the reasons you want this relationship to end, and strengthen your heart, that no matter what happen, nothing will change your mind.

2. Plan what you are going to say, and where you are going to say it. It is important that you are confident and know what you are saying when you face your partner. It is better to talk in private but avoid breaking up through the phone or a text message. This person has been your significant half for a while so do show some respect when you want to end things.

3. Keep your cool. Avoid argument or quarrel when you tell your partner about how you feel. Be honest with them about the reasons for the break up, because they deserve to know the truth. However if it is because you are now seeing someone else, you dont need to rub it on their face just to make them feel worse than they already do.

4. Give each other space after that and dont rush into new relationship. Breaking up will cause emotional instability no matter who is doing the break up. Give it some time before you start calling your ex to know how they are doing even though you still care for them.

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