Saturday, April 2, 2016

Biggest Mistakes Made When Trying To Get Your Ex Back

Sometimes its not what you do... its what you keep yourself from doing.  In the case of repairing a broken relationship, this is especially true.

After your boyfriend or girlfriend breaks up with you, odds are good that youll at least make an effort toward getting them back.  And when you do, odds are even better than youll make some of the bigger, rookie mistakes.

Still, stopping and reversing your break up requires that you do something.  You need to be proactive when it comes to winning someone back.  So what do you do if you want to date your ex again?  And the even more crucial question: what should you avoid doing?  The biggest blunders when it comes to winning back someones heart are listed below:

1. Contacting Your Ex Right After The Break Up

This is always the wrong thing to do.  I dont care if you have something important to tell them, something you forgot to explain, or you just want to know when you can come pick up your stuff... let sleeping dogs lie, and leave your ex alone for the next few days and weeks.  Nothing you can say right now will change your exs mind, and your "stuff" isnt going anywhere.

2. Writing or Sending Cards and Notes to Your Ex

Theres nothing worse than going through the heartbreaking process of breaking up with someone... and then having a 19-page letter stuck beneath your wiper blade the next morning.  Whether youre a guy or a girl, the person who dumped you simply does not want it.

Actually, theres nothing wrong with putting your thoughts and feelings down on paper.  Doing so will let you get a lot of things out of your system.  But sending that letter off to your ex boyfriend or girlfriend is a big mistake.  Its going to come back and haunt you later on, when youre making a real effort to get them back.

3. Making Promises You Cant Keep

The words leave your lips quickly and easily: "But I promise I can change".  You shouldnt be making this promise to anyone.  Changing the person who you are so you can make a relationship work is not only wrong, but its unhealthy.  Its also going to lead to another break up very quickly, even if your ex does take you back.

4. Making Ultimatums or Giving Your Ex Deadlines

"If you dont get back together with my by Friday... then its OVER!"  These words should never leave your mouth.  Your ex broke up with you - youre in no position to be handing out deadlines or threatening your exboyfriend or exgirlfriend.  Youll only look bad, and even worse, appear extremely desperate.

5.  Stalking Your Ex or Driving Past His or Her Work/Home/School

Nobody likes a stalker.  Display this type of behavior and youre definitely going to be labeled as one.  While you might think its innocent to swing by and check up on your ex, what youre really going to do is scare the crap out of them.  Theres no reason you should be following or spying on your ex boyfriend or girlfriend after they break up with you.  Not if you one day want to date them again.

These are just some of the biggest mistakes made when trying to get your ex back.  Instead of concentrating your efforts on this destructive type of behavior, why not work on something positive?

There are lots of things you can do to make your ex want you again, located at the links below:

Make Your Ex Boyfriend Want You Back

Five Things That Will Make Your Girlfriend Want You Again

So stay positive, stay strong, and GOOD LUCK!!!


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