The use of psychic abilities to help someone improve their situation is nothing new. The rich and powerful often have advisors that warn them of potential difficulties and give them tips on how to get around them.
What I am presenting here goes one step further than that. Using psychic counseling as a way to help a person not only avoid dangers, but address deep emotional issues and make better choices. A process that is not as one-way as traditional psychic work, where the psychic tells the person what they perceive, with little meaningful interaction and almost no personal growth on the side of the client.
The counselor should provide more than raw psychic information. The person being helped should be coached to develop their own skills and intuitions, to use their own psychic skills and talents to better their life. They should be aided in, not just making good decisions right now, but in knowing how to make good choices in the future.
I am going to cover the psychic aspects of counseling at this point, for you to add to your personal repertoire of skills. Because of space considerations I will not go into issues that pertain only to counseling, even though they are equally important to this process. For ease of use I am going to break this down by specific component, though in a counseling environment, you will want to be using all of the separate parts more holistically for best results.
Preparation- Take the time to ready yourself before your client arrives (I am using client to describe the person being helped for ease of use, it could be your friend, family member or co-worker.) most people will be more at ease if you dont meditate in front of them for the first five minutes they are there.
Start by relaxing and settling your mind into a meditative state. Dont be afraid of going too deep. When you begin to talk to the other person your brainwave state will tend to rise somewhat anyway, so this should not be a problem.
Acknowledge your subconscious mind, by briefly holding a single concept, without words or pictures, for a few moments. Any concept will do. Since much of your work will have to be done on a conscious level, it is not of great benefit to plunge into deep conceptual processing at this point. Still, it will help your sensitivity, so make this part of your routine.
Take time to let go of your own preconceptions. Just accept that you may have some and set them aside. This will help your ability to perceive information that is somewhat foreign to your normal mode of operation.
Now that you are in a good starting place you will be able to better apply yourself to the counseling session.
Empathy/Telepathy- Since you are already in a light receptive state, it should be fairly easy to create an entrainment/resonance pattern with the other person. Since you are not going to be working in a deep trance state, catch the other persons eye for a few moments. It only takes a few seconds, since it is a natural process, allowing you to become more in synch with one another. Since you are most likely in a more mentally balanced and synchronized state than they are, due to your preparations, they will very likely pick up your mental pattern, making it easier to get a read on them later.
I am not going to tell you how to be an empath or telepath here (you can find out more about the topic in Telepathy and Empathy: Getting started by Dale Power.) rest assured though, that you have the capability to do these things, even without special training, as long as you stay relaxed and try! Practice and training help, but these are natural abilities you already posses.
As you speak to them, pay attention to any signals they are giving you. Remember that these signals may not always match what they are thinking on a conscious level at the time. Ask about these impressions, not to see if you are correct, but to see what they mean to the other person. Even things that do not make sense to you may be deeply important, so dont shy away from what may seem to be a strange idea. Just ask them and see what happens.
Also, be aware of feelings of evasiveness or deception. Dont hold it against the person if they try to hide embarrassing moments or feelings, this is natural, but do address it and point out it may be happening. With feedback they may be able to correct themselves.
Data tracing/linking- Often people will describe to you situations and individuals that are important to them. From their thoughts and descriptions of people and events you can gain direct information about how these other people actually feel and the true nature of the situation. This deeper understanding will allow you to aid your client in dealing with specific situations correctly. By asking careful questions you can cause your clients subconscious mind to supply you with honest information about what they should be doing in regard to these specific individuals and topics.
Part of your job, once you have this information, is to lead them to realize what they already know, with as little direct information as possible coming from you. Dont tell them, for instance, You like this person romantically, but they dont feel the same way about you. Instead ask questions around the situation until they come to the conclusion on their own. This assumes your understanding of the information is correct of course. It is possible to misinterpret things, even with absolutely correct information, which is another reason to take care in your statements! It is possible, for instance, that their subconscious mind will present to you the common feelings of the person on an issue, rather than the facts of the situation. If they often feel that no one likes them, lets say, it may look from the information they give you, that no one does, even though this is a false perception on their part! Try and make sure that your interpretation does not negatively impact the session, or the person, just as a general course of action.
Precognition- In their description of events to you, it is common to get a fairly clear sense of how a situation is going to turn out. You may be able to determine what will go well for them, as well as what is doomed to failure.
While you can warn them of what might work and what wont, it is important to help them generate a specific plan of action, if they are going to make the best use of your warning. Make sure that they understand the situation and what their options are. Coach them in making a solid plan, including contingencies for unwelcome events. Any strategy generated by your client will have a greater impact on them and more likely be followed to completion. This does not ensure success, of course, but they will have a better chance at changing the direction of events with this foreknowledge and proper planning.
It is also possible to foresee health and emotional troubles well before there are any external signs. Some problems may indeed be needful to the growth of the person involved, so try to be sensitive to such situations, but many problems can be fixed well before they happen, saving grief all around.
Entrainment- As the other person is already entrained to you, it is possible to guide them to deeper states of mind, to a more complete connection with their own subconscious mind, by controlling your own thoughts.
By slowly moving into a deeper more synchronized state, you will draw them into a similar level as well. Once there, if you slowly and carefully begin to pay more attention to the conceptual content of thought, they will, on certain levels, do the same.
This will tend to make them more aware of themselves and what they need to do in life. Which will, in turn, allow them to deal with any problems they may have more effectively.
I know that this sounds easy to accomplish and with practice and attention to detail, it really is fairly straight forward, as all of these methods are based on naturally occurring processes. Still it takes some effort and the ability to get your own ego out of the way to be highly effective. Lack of ego involvement allows you to give advice suited to your client, rather than what you think they should do, based on your own opinion and preconceived notions of correct living.
This kind of work is, perhaps, the future of psychic ability. It combines a wonderful level of service to others with solid technique and utility that is easily seen by many people. All things that psychic work has been accused of lacking in the past.
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