Tuesday, March 29, 2016

How To Get Back an Ex Girlfriend

Did your ex break up with you but you still want her back? Join the club. Thousands of people get dumped each day, and their only thoughts are of reconciliation. If youre still in love with a woman who ended things, and think your relationship can still work? Youll need to learn exactly what to do.  Step by step, youll want to know how to get back an ex girlfriend.

Saving your relationship is easy in theory, but hard in practice. Many guys encounter the same stumbling blocks when it comes to winning back an exgirlfriends love and affection. They try to hard, or they try too much. Sometimes they combine both, and with disastrous results: the end up pushing the woman they love further and further away, instead of drawing her closer.

Your First Moves Are Crucial

Once your ex has officially broken things off, the very first moves you make are probably the most critical. Do the wrong thing, and you could sabotage any chance of ever being with this girl again. Climbing back out of the hole you dig when you make these major mistakes can take so long that your ex moves on and starts dating someone else - leaving you heartbroken on every level.

One of the biggest blunders you can make after getting dumped? Chasing your ex girlfriend. In trying to get your ex to reconsider, you might end up scaring her off. You have to remember that your ex thought this decision through... and shes probably set upon it. Now is not the time to convince her that shes wrong. Later on, down the line, you can show her that shes wrong... but immediately after the break up there will be little you can do to turn your exgirlfriends thought process around.

Walking Away From The Relationship With Acceptance

Most guys dont realize it, but your girlfriend is actually keeping a close eye on you after she dumps you. She wants to see two things: first, that youre not going to fight her on the break up, because this would make her feel awkward around you. But second, she DOES want to see that you miss her. Women (and men as well) like to be loved. Even if your ex thinks the relationship isnt worth
continuing, she wants to still think that you were in love with her, and that she wasnt wasting her time.

One of the best methods how to get back an ex girlfriend involves NOT showing her that the break up has affected you. To do this, you need to completely accept it, acknowledge it, and then walk silently away from it. Instead of fighting to keep things going, you need to distance yourself and walk away as if you have better things to do. And while you might think this sends the message that you "dont care" about your girlfriend anymore, its actually going to put you light-years ahead of the game when it comes to getting back together with your ex.

There is also a nice list of actions you can take to help accelerate the process of winning her back:

Things You Can Do To Get Your Girlfriend Back Fast.

The No Contact Method - Why It Works

In trying to get back an ex, youll read an awful lot about the NC or No Contact approach. This is a tactic during which you forbid yourself from communicating with your ex AT ALL. In todays modern age, this is especially hard. You probably talk to your ex every day, email her, text-message her, and maybe even write on her Facebook wall. Stopping all of that at once can be a pretty big adjustment.

But you know what? Its a pretty big adjustment for her as well. Your ex isnt going to like not being able to hear from you in any capacity at all. Even though she ended things, she may want to remain friendly. This enables her to keep tabs on you, and know where you are just in case she wants you back. But knowing that youre still in love with her is one of the things that will prolong your breakup... so you cannot contact your ex if you really want to reconcile.

Contacting Your Ex Girlfriend - When Is It Okay To Call Her?

Getting back in touch with your ex is a critical part of the makeup process. Its also the most tricky. Doing it too early will undo all of the hard work you put in during the no contact phase. And making the wrong type of contact (desperate or needy contact) will set you back even further on the quest to get back your ex girlfriend.

There are opportunities you can seize advantage of that will help you and your exgirlfriend reconnect. Know what they are, so you can be aware of them when they come up. For some of the best tips and tricks on how to get back an ex girlfriend, make sure you check out this free audio clip.


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