Do you find yourself thinking about your ex every single moment? Is your mind overwhelmed with memories of you and your ex together?
Sometimes, you want your ex back so badly that you are willing to try anything, even if it means having sex with your ex.
So What Is The Correct Answer? Is It Yes Or No?
Life would be so much simpler if there is just one answer to every question. Unfortunately, that is not how the real world functions. Depending on the situation, there will always be an exception.
However, there are always some general guidelines that will be safe to follow.
If you are wondering whether you should sleep with your ex, here is the answer.
The Answer Is Different For Men and Women
For men, the answer is a yes. Generally, if you can get your ex girlfriend to desire you again and sleep with you willingly, you are going to have a higher chance to get back together with her.
For women, the answer is no. If you allow your ex boyfriend to sleep with you, you can actually spoil the chance of getting back together.
Why is that so? Why is the answer so different for men and women?
Well, if you think about it, the reason is pretty obvious. Men and women are different and they function differently. Therefore, you cannot expect the same answer for both men and women.
Let us explore the topic in more details. Let us start with men first followed by women.
Why Men Have A Higher Chance To Get Back Together If They Sleep With Their Ex Girlfriend
For women, love and sex are interconnected. This is especially true in the more conservative Asian society.
Of course, this is just a generalization. In Asian societies, there are
However, in general, a woman will not want to have sex with a man if she has totally no feelings for him. That is because to a woman, sex is a very emotional thing.
The fact that your ex girlfriend is willing to sleep with you means she still has feelings for you. This will act in your favor if you want to get back together with your ex girlfriend.
Of course, I hope you can be ethical about this. Please do not sleep with your ex girlfriend if you do not intend to get back together with her.
Why Women Should Not Sleep With Their Ex Boyfriend
Unlike women, men have a different attitude towards sex. For a man, love and sex need not be related. A man can have sex with any woman even if he doesnt have any feelings for her.
As long as she is attractive enough to make him hard, a man will be happy to have sex with her.
If you are a woman who wants to get your ex boyfriend back, you need to understand this. Just because your ex boyfriend wants to sleep with you does not necessary means he wants to take you back.
He is probably just looking for sex. Therefore, what you should do is to turn down his request. Be firm about it and do not cave in.
By doing so, you are sending him a signal. You are telling him that unless you are in a relationship, you are not going to sleep with him. In fact, when you have the courage to turn him down, he will respect you instead. This can actually help you if you do get back together with your ex boyfriend.
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