Tuesday, March 22, 2016

These Personality Traits Will Destroy Your Success With Women

By Marc Sandford

Ever wonder why some guys seem to attract women effortlessly? Perhaps they have good looks or its the big muscles.

These physical attributes can make a difference but they arent as essential as another factor. The one obstacle that is most important is psychological and has to do with your behavior.

Two of your biggest enemies in this respect are:

1.) Passivity - If your love life is nonexistent and always has been, dont count on fate to do you any favors. Thinking that your perfect mate is out there somewhere and that its just a matter of time before the two of you meet is a lot of romantic nonsense.

Things dont change by doing nothing. If nothing is happening in your love life something has to be done about it. You will have to exert a great deal of effort to get it going.

This passiveness could be a part of your personality. Or you may have believe incorrectly that things will ultimately work out for the best in the end. But when you make a habit of actively solving your problems, your life will improve greatly.

2.) Lack of confidence or poor self esteem - Not having confidence will defeat you in two ways. First, youll find it too difficult to even approach a woman. If you do, youll most likely be paralyzed or say the wrong things. You will find it impossible to deal with the inevitable rejections that are a fact of life in the dating scene.

Second, women love a man with confidence. Confidence is the most essential and indispensable component to being attractive. Without it, you can only hope for women who dont mind your shyness.

This will only happen if you have some other extraordinary quality or strength that is very unusual. However, the odds wont be working in your favor.

Confidence is a skill that is gained over time if you consistently work at it. However youll need to take action and just do it. You must not think of attracting a woman as something to do or die for. Take it easy on yourself and just treat it as an exercise where you hone your skill with each attempt.

Overcoming your passiveness and lack of confidence may be enough in itself to improve your love life. But you wont know for sure until you try. - 31368

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