A CB radio is officially license free because mobile phones took over, but some people prefer to CB radio, than a mobile phone because you dont need credit to talk because you can talk on a CB radio nonstop, without a charge. Some people have a CB radio as there homebase setup, you can also install them into your car. If you have installed your CB radio into your car and have mounted it with a bracket, the last part will be to wire the antenna and power wires, to get it operating.
1)Remove the CB radio from its bracket, this is by remove the screws on each side of the bracket that hold it in
2)Look for two colour wires, red and black, these wires are wires that obtain the ground and power to your rig. If the wire is not long enough to reach to the car battery, use same gauge wire and extended both wires; this is so they reach to the terminals on the battery. Make sure there is a fuse inline with the red wire, this is so the CB radio is protected against blowing out, from a short circuit.
3)Connect the red wire onto the positive terminal on the car battery and connect the black wire onto the negative terminal on the car battery.
4)Once you have made the power connections, next you will need to connect your mag mount antenna to it. Before connecting the antenna, use a swr meter to see the reading, you want a reading that is at least below 1:5, the lower, the better, as more power output is delivered through the antenna and less output power is going back into your radio, keeping the output transistor cool.
5)Once you have a good swr reading, connect the antenna coax connector plug into the coax socket on the rear of the CB radio.
6)Place the CB radio back into the bracket, then replace the screws you removed, to secure the CB radio in place.
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