Saturday, February 8, 2014

How To Repair a Scratched DVD Disc at Home Using Toothpaste

If you have a favorite DVD video disc and the shiny surface of the disc is scratched, then you can remove the scratches using toothpaste, but only if the scratches are light and not too deep. If toothpaste is buffed into the scratched surface of the disc, it can remove faint scratches permanently because it contains cleaning chemicals that can fade away scratches. If you are going to remove scratches of  a disc using toothpaste, make sure you use teeth whitening toothpaste, as this works much better and helps remove deeper scratches, if compare to normal cheap Best Buy toothpaste. Using toothpaste to remove scratches also works great on scratched Xbox 360 games, ps3 and Nintendo wii games.

Instructions on how to repair a scratched DVD disc using toothpaste:

1)Using a lint free cloth wipe clean the scratched surface of the disc clean, this is to remove any excess dirt.

2)Apply toothpaste onto the scratched surface of the disc, the is by squeezing the toothpaste tube onto it.

3)Once the toothpaste has been applied onto the surface of the disc, you can use a car polisher to buff in the scratches, this is to help removed deep scratches. If you dont own a car polisher, you can use a lint free cloth to remove faint scratches.

If you are going to use a car polisher to remove the scratches, hold the scratched DVD disc in your hand and place it onto top the polisher pad of the car polisher, you know the white fluffy thing. Then all you need to do is switch it on and let the car polisher buff out the scratches and let it to the hard work for you.

If you dont have a car polisher and the scratches on the disc are faint, you can use a lint free cloth and buff the disc manually. This method will take longer and can make your arms tired after a few minutes of ridiculously fast buffing.

4)Once the buffing process has been completed, insert the DVD disc into your DVD player and see if the disc works. If not, keep buffing until it does.


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