Sunday, February 9, 2014

How To Change Langauge Setting On TomTom XL GPS To English

The TomTom can be set to be read in many different types of language, so all cultures can have the ability to use the gps device without having difficulty reading what the text says onscreen. If you have bought a TomTom satellite navigation device from a different part of the world or have bought it second hand from a non UK citizen, the language setting is probably been changed into a foreign language and is not set to read in English. You also might have accidentally changed the language when playing around with the settings. This can cause problems for you because you will not be able to work out how to operate the TomTom making it useless. But since the manufacturer has included a option that allows you to change the current language on your device, you can easily revert it to read back in a English language.

1) Switch on your TomTom by pressing down the Power button for 3 seconds. Once you hear the startup sound and the splash screen image appear onscreen, you can release the power button.

2) Once the TomTom is on the maps screen, tap the touchscreen to enter the Main Menu.

3) From the main menu, find the Change Preferences option and tap it.

4) Once you have entered Change Preferences, keep tapping the right arrow found at the bottom of the screen until you find a option called Change Language. When you have found it, tap it to select it.

5) A wide range of different languages will now appear in a list onscreen. Find the English UK language from the list. Since your TomTom is currently in a foreign language, look for the England flag next to the language name to help you identify it easily. If you cant find it on the list, use the down arrow on the right hand side of the screen to bring up more languages.

6) Once you have found the English UK language, tap it to select it. You will also be asked to confirm if you want to change the current voice that is used to guide you on the road. You probably need to change that as well to a English voice, as it very likely that its currently set to a foreign voice.


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