Thursday, March 31, 2016

A Psychology Course Will Take You Places!

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) there has been a steady increase in demand for psychology courses over the last few years, both from people who want to practice psychology in a traditional field, and from those who want to use the knowledge in an unrelated area, such as business. This is happening as people realize that psychology training is one of the most useful things you can get - for almost any career.

In the complex world of today, psychology courses lend you the training to handle a wide variety of roles and job-situations: from education to marketing, from social work to finance, from elder care to the military – all need understanding of human psychology.

Therefore, psychology knowledge had become more in demand, both from employers who are looking for these skills, but also as a result of the turbulent nature of the world we live in today.

Fast changes and conflict in society mean more stress. Individually we want more but seem to have less time. In the work place interpersonal communication skills are more highly valued than ever. Employers demand more in less time.

All of these mean (1) that there is a greater amount of psychological stress about, which we need help relieving and (2) knowing about how humans think will help you survive and grow in the workplace.

Are you now convinced you should take a psychology course?

In case youre not, well close this discussion by pointing out a few of the job options that are available just in the field of traditional psychology. Bear in mind that we are not going to mention the vast array of career options outside psychology.

Forensic Psychology: Not always as glamorous as it might look on TV; here you work in and around the criminal justice system. You might be advising police, the prison service or the courts. You could work in a law firm helping with jury selection and trial strategy.

Educational Psychology: Here you’d help deal with issues that children face in education. Many children today suffer with emotional problems, learning difficulties and issues of social acceptance. You’d help them to resolve these.

Clinical Psychology: Here you work with people in the health system, either at hospital or various community settings in this well known mental-health-psychology field. You might counsel patients with mental health issues or help those with learning difficulties.

Counseling Psychology: Possibly the best known field. As a qualified counselor you use your skills when working one-one-one with clients to resolve personal issues or psychological difficulties. This is a very popular and in-demand field.

3 other fields for you to consider: Occupational Psychology, Psychotherapy and Sports Psychology.
To learn more about psychology courses, career options, or how psychology courses can boost your career in business visit or Psychology Course

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A Psychology Course Will Take You Places!

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Tips How Do I Get Him Back after Being Needy

Your ex boyfriend can really get annoyed and upset with your constant messages and calls. Showing how insecure you are without him is totally a mistake. He may not care with the sentimental touch.
Stop to be so dramatic and find out how do i get him back after being needy. You have to gain the confidence and open the wide door for more options. Increase your market value when being single. If he still really loves you, he won’t let you fall to another guy’s arms. It means that he will be the one who is going to fight for the relationship reconciliation. Otherwise, if he does not care if you are close with someone else, letting him go is the right decision.

3 Top Reasons Men Dump Women

Editorial Comment: This post gives a few of the most common reasons why men end up deciding to break up with their girlfriend. As the post details things can be rather different in the modern world with been doing a lot of the breaking up these days. Theres some good information here but it will only take you so far. If youre interested in learning more and gaining a deeper understanding of your relationship and the ways to preserve it check out this website.

It is such a sad moment when a relationship ends and when a woman is dumped she will feel sad, angry and rejected.  It is a very discouraging time in a womans life to be dumped by the person she so deeply loves.  Being dumped will leave behind a feeling of pain and confusion, especially if it was unexpected.

At one time it seemed that it was always the woman that dumped the man, but I think the tables have turned and now men are doing their fair share of the dumping.  The problem with when a man dumps a woman is that he is not as sympathetic and not so good at explaining why the relationship is over.  Often a woman is left shocked and wondering what went wrong and really has no idea of the motive to his decision.

So why do men dump women?  Here are the top three reasons why they, men, end relationships.

1. Communication – or lack of it!

The key to any successful relationship is good communication and if a couple are struggling to communicate then there are serious problems with the relationship.  Lack of communication is one of the top reasons why men break up with women.

2. Over-demanding women!

At the beginning of a relationship women take men for who they are and all is good.  But as time goes on, some women will start to become quite demanding of their man.  Women sometimes like to have control in a relationship and may enforce too many rules and limits on their partner.  As the relationship becomes more serious they will expect the man to start spending more time at home and less time out with friends.  If a man isn’t ready to change his life to suit the ‘couple’ lifestyle then this can be too much pressure for him.  Putting too much pressure and too many demands on a man is a big reason for many break ups.

3. Needy women!

Men like to play the role of the big hero and so it can give their ego a nice boost when a woman plays the ‘damsel in distress’ role.  However, this is alright once in a while but a man will get quite annoyed with a woman if she is constantly needy and reliant on him.  Although it is good to rely on a man to some degree, a woman still needs some degree of independence.  A man will lose respect for a woman who is too clingy and can’t do anything for herself.  It can even become a bit creepy if a woman develops an obsession for the man and won’t let him out of her site.  When she expects him to spend every free minute with her, he will feel smothered and need to escape.  When the relationship gets to this point, the man will escape by breaking up with the woman.

There are many reasons why men dump women, but these are three very common ones.  Don’t think that you’re relationship is fine because it’s women that do the dumping, it’s not the case anymore.  Men also hold the power of a relationship in their hands.  If you find yourself in the situation of being dumped by a man, you can try communicating with him to see if there is any chance of salvaging the relationship.  If he has no interest at all in reconciling then you need to accept that the relationship is over and perhaps learn from the mistakes you may have made.

Want more relationship advice? Check out this website.

psychology Bodybuilding Supplements Male Enhancement and Weight Loss Diet Pills Tainted

Bodybuilding supplements, male enhancement pills, and weight loss diet supplements are the three categories which the FDA has announced as frequently being tainted with illegal substances causing harm to consumers. Although the FDA and trade associations work to alert the public, companies continue to participate in criminal activities motivated by financial gain. People who administrate these companies have criminal minds and seek to take advantage of consumers.

In recent years, the United States Food and Drug Administration (hereafter "FDA"), have mobilized their efforts to address what has become a serious public health problem. The dietary supplement industry is a multi billion dollar a year consumer driven industry growing with each passing year. In addition to consistent expansion of supplement brands, competition for higher profit margins, and minimal capacity to regulate all genres of dietary supplements, the FDA is confronted with a monumental task. The cancer of greed has slowly metastasized to terminal levels. Manufacturers and distributors of dietary supplements now actively lace their formulas with prescription drugs or analogs fully aware of the dangers posed to consumers. People who run these operations knowingly adulterating their supplements are true criminals motivated by greed and a lack of conscience for the risks to the consumer. 

These tainted products have led to tragic medical consequences including liver and kidney damage, stroke, pulmonary failure and death. Tainted products are problematic, but people and organizations that intentionally taint their supplements and products are far worse than the neighborhood drug dealer. The local drug dealer thriving in every town in America illegally sells and distributes his/her drugs to a consumer base privy to what they are purchasing and the potential dangers from ingesting those chemicals. Dietary supplement manufacturers and distributors aware of selling tainted supplements are far worse because their consumers are ignorant to the dangerous chemicals being added. 

The three categories of supplements consistently adulterated with potential toxic substances are weight loss, sexual enhancement, and body building products. The FDA, national trade associations representing the dietary supplement industry and various regulatory commissions are all struggling to halt these deceptive practices. At the FDA website, they clearly point out to site visitors their enforcement procedures and consumer advisories for tainted products merely cover a small fraction of the tainted over-the-counter products on the market. The magnitude of the problem is gigantic. 

Clearly, manufacturers who knowingly lace their formulas and distributors who are aware they are selling tainted supplements to consumers are engaged in criminal activities and deemed as participating in deviant behaviors. A forensic psychologist is trained to identify aspects of the human condition related to criminal behavior, deviance, and the motivation of criminal behavior. Following is a forensic psychologists rationale for people and organizations engaged in such corrupt actions.

Research of the dietary supplement industry related to tainted products is a daunting task. The three categories of supplements the FDA has identified first needs to be investigated. Weight loss, sexual enhancement, and body building supplements have the highest rate of tainted substances. These three categories share a common theme. All three categories are involving populations of individuals seeking performance enhancement or image enhancement. Two of these three categories, are formulas designed to help people with perceived negative aspects they are trying to improve. Consumers purchasing weight loss supplements are hoping to shed pounds. The vast majority of consumers purchasing sexual enhancement products are men looking to enhancement their genital organ. Body building supplements are for bodybuilders, weightlifters, athletes, and people looking to improve their physiques. Although the three populations are different, they all share one common theme. This theme is based on the theory of "exhausting all options." 

All three populations are investigating and purchasing supplements in hopes of achieving goals they perceive as necessary to attain their goals. The bodybuilder seeks greater definition of muscle mass, the over weight person hopes to shed pounds, and men purchase sexual enhancement products to help them obtain and sustain an erection. These segments of the population are willing to consume supplements if the results of consumption benefit their goals for improvement. There is a high probability that all three of these groups resort to supplements because other methods have either not been beneficial or does not meet their expectations. Hence, they practice the concept of "exhausting all options" and research these products. Unfortunately, the dietary supplement industry relies on the consumer’s dire need to find an effective product. An unknown percentage of these companies develop formulas which are illegal and potentially dangerous for the monetary gains. 

The FDA fully admits they do not have the capacity to investigate every supplement company due to the industries sheer size. Minimal regulations, low rates of enforcement, and a consumer base willing to spend billions of dollars each year have created an environment perfect for the criminal mind to engage in. At present, the consequences for intentionally tainting dietary supplements and offering to consumers for retail tainted supplements grows exponentially each year. The opportunity for succeeding with a criminal mind is "ripe for the picking." The manufacturing and distribution of dietary supplements is both legal and accepted by society. Legal, accepted, and financially booming sets the stage for criminal intent. The cocktail for the criminal mind is clearly obvious. An industry generating billions of dollars a year, minimal consequences for deceptive practices and a high demand by consumers combine for the criminal mind to flourish. The environment for opportunity and greed becomes a viable option. 

Intentionally tainting supplements for consumer consumption without fear of consequences motivates the criminal mind to become creative in design. Even the drug dealer selling his/her illicit chemicals must practice marketing their products with a low profile. Although the neighborhood drug dealer survives with a criminal mind, the manufacturer and distributor intentionally marketing tainted products thrives with his/her criminal mind, markets products attempting to be as high profile as possible, and feeds their greed at the expense of the consumer. 

Within the dietary supplement industry, the difficulty for the FDA, OCI, DEA, law enforcement, and the legal system capacity to identify and prosecute those intentionally tainting products is multifaceted and complex. Given the size of the industry alone makes complete coverage impossible allowing those with criminal minds flourish unfettered by fear of prosecution. Despite the commitment of these federal and state agencies, the criminal mind intentionally tainting supplements continues to reap the rewards of their actions. The unfortunate reality is the spoiling of the entire supplement industry due to these charlatans.

Although no statistics seem to exist to prove this writers hypothesis, it is suggested that the majority of supplement companies that seek to produce and market products adhering to The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 become entangled with the FDA for unknowingly having products which test positive for illegal substances. Although the FDA holds distributors of dietary supplements accountable when their products they market test positive for tainted substances, the reality is many of these organizations do so unintentionally without knowledge of the contaminants. Unfortunately, the FDA has no mechanisms to evaluate if these companies are intentionally tainting their products to maximize profit. The only methodology confirming intentional sale of tainted supplements occurs when evidence can be compiled the distributor is aware of the illicit substances in their products, but continues to market them anyway. 

For organizations that are confirmed selling tainted products via advanced chemical testing procedures, the consequences can range from seizure of products, cessation of sales, and on some occasions, prosecution. Once these companies have been selected as problematic by the FDA, the financial losses and attorney fees involved often force closure or bankruptcy. Given the priority to protect consumers is the mission of the FDA, honest organizations who inadvertently purchase tainted ingredients without intent or knowledge at times must close their business from financial losses. This harsh reality is not the fault of the FDA, but at fault are the national and international manufacturers tainting their formulas without the retailer’s knowledge and endeavoring to expand their market base of retailers worldwide by manufacturing tainted formulas.

The question comes down to intent. Intent to manufacture and distribute tainted supplements void of concern for the risks to consumers are a group of criminals requiring serious prosecution. The concept of intent has many definitions and complicated to succinctly define to the lay person. The legal definition available online as it relates to intentionally selling tainted supplements is defined as criminal intent. Criminal intent is called mens rea, which refers to a criminal or wrongful purpose. Mens rea is Latin for "guilty mind." In criminal law, it is viewed as one of the necessary elements of a crime. If a person innocently causes harm, then he/she lacks mens rea. Under this concept, an accused defendant should not be criminally prosecuted if intent can not be established.
Criminal law has attempted to clarify the intent requirement by establishing two concepts, specific intent and general intent. Specific Intent refers to a particular state of mind that seeks to accomplish the precise act that the law prohibits. In some circumstances, the category of specific intent means an intent to do something beyond that which is done, such as assault with intent to commit rape. The prosecution must show that the defendant purposely or knowingly committed the crime at issue. In relation to a distributor or manufacturer being prosecuted using the legal definition of specific intent, evidence must establish the person and/or organization tainted their supplement formulas or purposely marketed and sold tainted supplements fully aware the risk to a targeted consumer or group of consumers. Even more complicated is the second legal concept of intent called General Intent.

General intent refers to the intent to do that which the law prohibits. Under this concept, it is not necessary for a prosecuting attorney to prove the defendant intended the precise harm or the precise result that occurred. The law will infer that the defendant had a general intent. Under the concept of general intent, the manufacturer or distributor who knowingly and intentionally produces and/or offers for retail tainted products can be prosecuted. The unfortunate consumers who suffer physiological damage from consuming tainted supplements were not the target of these unscrupulous supplement manufacturers and distributors, but victims nonetheless. Although specific intent is more heinous because the intent is targeted, general intent is equally as dangerous.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (hereafter "DSM"), is published by the American Psychiatric Association and outlines a language and standard set of criteria for the classification of mental disorders. It is used in the United States and in varying degrees around the world, by clinicians, researchers, and policy makers. The DSM is considered an important manual for most professionals working in the mental health and behavioral healthcare field. The DSM maintains a set of disorders called personality disorders. Personality disorders outlined in the DSM defines a personality disorder as an enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that differs markedly from the expectations of the individuals culture, is pervasive and inflexible, has an onset in adolescence or early adulthood, is stable over time, and leads to distress or impairment. Personality disorders are a long-standing and maladaptive pattern of perceiving and responding to other people and to stressful circumstances. Within the category of personality disorders, ten disorders have been identified which are distinct in their manifestations.

In relationship to these ten personality disorders, there is one called antisocial personality disorder and may define the group of manufacturers and distributors which intentionally taint their formulas with potentially dangerous substances or market these supplements knowing their supplements are tainted. Antisocial personality disorder is a type of chronic mental illness in which a persons ways of thinking, perceiving situations and relating to others are abnormal and destructive. People with antisocial personality disorder typically have no regard for right and wrong. They may often violate the law and the rights of others. They may lie, practice deception, attempt to manipulate, and often engage in illegal activities because they are unable to fulfill responsibilities to family, work or school in an adaptive manner. Hence, people who suffer from antisocial personality disorder may seek to victimize others for personal gain and lack empathy for those they harm in their pursuit for personal benefit. Some suggest the majority of felons serving prison sentences would fit the criteria for antisocial personality disorder if this population of criminals were evaluated by psychologists or psychiatrists. The population of people intentionally tainting their dietary supplements void of concern for the risks to consumers would likely meet criteria for this dangerous disorder.

In conclusion, the FDA has mobilized their efforts to address a contemporary serious public health problem. Manufacturers and distributors of dietary supplements actively lace their supplement formulas with prescription drugs and/or analogs fully aware of the medical dangers posed to consumers. People who run these operations intentionally adulterating their supplements are true criminals motivated by greed and a lack of conscience for the risks to the consumer. Reports of injury and even death from the use of these illegal supplements have been reported to the FDA. These reason(s) for injury and death are caused by supplements deceptively labeled or containing undeclared ingredients. These supplements often include the same active ingredients as drugs already approved by the FDA. Analogs are defined as close copies of FDA approved drugs and novel synthetic steroids that do not qualify as dietary ingredients are two substances becoming prominent adulterants. The enforcement arm of the FDA, Office of Criminal Investigations, is fully committed to investigating and supporting the prosecution of those who may endanger the public’s health and safety by manufacturing and selling unsafe products. Given the size of the dietary supplement industry, the FDA and supporting agencies admit they can only target and test a fraction of the companies presently involved marketing and selling dietary supplements.

Although presumed by this writer the majority of companies who have products which test positive for illegal chemicals are not intentionally doing so, the FDA has no way to ferret out if these companies are engaged in deceptive practices. It is the smaller population of companies and professionals which intentionally taint and/or market their products which need to be apprehended. It is these individuals who walk through life motivated by their criminal mind and at a high probability for experiencing antisocial personality disorder. At present, there is no valid methodology to pinpoint these criminals and their actions negatively taint the entire supplement industry, just as their tainted products are sold to consumers negatively impacting their medical health.

Bodybuilding supplements, male enhancement pills, and weight loss diet supplements are the three categories of dietary supplements the FDA has alerted the nation about. Companies who sell these are encouraged to implement the following recommendations to reduce their chances of creating risk to consumers purchasing their products. The FDA mentions five trade associations they interface with and dietary supplements companies should investigate joining them. They are the Council for Responsible Nutrition, Natural Products Association, United Natural Products Alliance (UNPA), Consumer Healthcare Products Association, and American Herbal Products Association. It is also recommended to bookmark and visit often the websites hosted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. Website developers working for dietary supplements companies are recommended to attach links encouraging site visitors to the FDA, dietary trade associations, and any other organizations designed to protect consumers. The FDA also has MedWatch, which can be added to websites so consumers can be alerted to recent products which have tested positive for adulterants. It is the responsibility of dietary supplement companies to institute whatever measures necessary to protect consumers from consuming tainted supplements. It is also highly recommended to allocate a portion of the organizations advertising budget to educating the consumer on the use of dietary supplements and topics involving health, fitness, nutrition, and overall healthy living.

A Psychology Course Will Take You Places!

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Typical Relationship Issues And How To Handle Them

It doesnt matter how content a couple is and how compatible therere with each other,  theyll continue to fight.  I understand;  the fact that just about every couple has relationship problems is little comfort when a persons relationship is going through a tough time.

But what does make you feel better is that if others can solve his or her love problems,  so can you. In this post,  I talk about two of the frequent relationship issues that are faced by people today and what can be done to take care of them.

Solving Relationship Problems

Lack of verbal exchanges:  The majority of your problems can be resolved if you basically knew the right way to connect appropriately with your lover.  Merely talking is not really what communication is about.  By effective conversation I mean,  your spouse should understand precisely what it is you are trying to point out.

For instance,  a man tells his woman - "Honey,  the chicken you prepared today was certainly superb".  At this point the person was paying out a compliment to his woman,  yet if she is not listening to him right her reply could be something similar to,  "What on earth do you necessarily mean by TODAY?  Which means I am just a bad cook most other time? " And thats the way tiffs begin.  Thus,  ensure that your spouse is actually getting the message that you wish to send out instead of something else.

A great way to ensure that is to ask your partner if they grasped exactly what you were stating.  In case their response is what you were looking to communicate,  excellent!  If not,  you could explain to them precisely what you intended so that misunderstandings and thus fights can be avoided.

Jealousy:  The occasional envy within a relationship is very normal and may in fact be healthy.  However,  in case your lover gets all green faced with envy (the same goes for you too) whenever you speak to someone from the opposite sex,  then that is certainly not usual and can cause difficulties within your relationship.

Ugly envy could be handled by first admitting to yourself that youre unreasonably jealous and after that trying to understand the reason for it.  Could it be due to the fact you have experienced past bad encounters?  Are you currently insecure mainly because your dad and mom may not have had a great relationship?

Once you know exactly where your insecurities come from,  you can then take the required measures to develop your self-confidence and belief in your companion and stay away from unnecessary relationship troubles.

Just Split up?
 Is your relationship so on the rocks that youre uncertain the way to save it from dying totally?
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You Can Use Computer Dating To Find Your Dream Relationship

By Russ J. Paulson

If you are single around the holiday season, regardless of your religious orientation, it can seem extra lonely. Seeing all the couples and families out together can be hard to take if you are in between relationships. Of course, having somebody year round is the ideal for most people. The holiday season, for some reason, seems to give people an extra nudge in the direction of finding somebody.

So many people, as the holidays creeping up, start to look extra hard for somebody to spend them with. Although its not uncommon for short relationships to develop around this time, its much more common for relationships that develop around the holiday season to last for a long, long time.

If you are looking for somebody to share the holidays with, or somebody to share your whole life with, you are in good company. It is part of the natural part of life to meet somebody, and start a family. That of course that you must go through the process of actually meeting people and choosing who you want to spend your life with.

One fantastic advantage that you have today is the massive and sprawling Internet. There are literally hundreds of computer dating sites that can help you dramatically to find your ideal mate. If you have never tried online dating, its time to get yourself in the game.

Of course, despite its convenience, online dating is basically the same as in the real world. You meet somebody, evaluate their likes, dislikes, etc. If you like each other, you stay together. If you dont, you dont. Computer dating works the same way. This of course requires that you kind of know what you are looking for.

When you get into it, youll agree that it is pretty simple and easy. Simply look for people that match your criteria, and connect with them. If you want, meet up in public, and go from there. With computer dating, there is no more reason to be alone. - 31368

About the Author:

The Answer to the Question on How do I Win Him Back from Her

If you were asking to yourself on how do I win him back from her, then you need to think it carefully before taking any action. The first thing that you need to think about is how do you really feel about your ex boyfriend? Do you really love him or you just jealous because you no longer get the attention that he used to give you?
If you really love him, then you may want to tell him about it. But, if you are simply jealous, then you should let him go and let him move on with his live, while you can find yourself another boyfriend.

What You Can Do About A Break Up

By Alex Hochman

One of the best things in life we get to experience is relationships. We get the loving relationships of relatives. We have those wonderful relationships with our children. And last but not least we get the wonderful experiences of relationships with the opposite sex. But there will be times when those relationships go wrong. For reasons that maybe arent clear a breakup occurs. When that occurs, it is one of the most difficult experiences you can have happen to you.

In this article what we are going to do is examine a few things that we can do to try and mend the relationship. So hopefully it will give you some ideas on how to get your ex back.

Now of course in order to try and fix the relationship you need a few things. First and foremost you need to look at yourself. You have to determine if the cause of the breakup was on your end. If that was the case, it is a start. Because unless you admit to being at fault you can never fix it. But if you do admit it, you can begin the quest on learning how to get your ex girlfriend back.

Now in the times that it may not have been your fault, you are going to have to try and understand the other person. For women you are going to have to know why your boyfriend left. There can be a lot of different reasons. Could it possibly have been a situation where they didnt want to get too serious? Whatever it could be you need to know why they left. Once you do that you can begin the process of learning how to get your ex boyfriend back.

You probably are picking up on the theme here. That theme is knowing what caused the breakup. Being able to know that is going to help a lot in trying to fix the relationship. If you dont know that how can you even begin.

But the moment you begin to understand, then you have a place to try to begin. From there on out you can begin to try to mend the relationship. - 31368

About the Author:

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

psychology Psychic Counseling

The use of psychic abilities to help someone improve their situation is nothing new. The rich and powerful often have advisors that warn them of potential difficulties and give them tips on how to get around them.
What I am presenting here goes one step further than that. Using psychic counseling as a way to help a person not only avoid dangers, but address deep emotional issues and make better choices. A process that is not as one-way as traditional psychic work, where the psychic tells the person what they perceive, with little meaningful interaction and almost no personal growth on the side of the client.

The counselor should provide more than raw psychic information. The person being helped should be coached to develop their own skills and intuitions, to use their own psychic skills and talents to better their life. They should be aided in, not just making good decisions right now, but in knowing how to make good choices in the future.

I am going to cover the psychic aspects of counseling at this point, for you to add to your personal repertoire of skills. Because of space considerations I will not go into issues that pertain only to counseling, even though they are equally important to this process. For ease of use I am going to break this down by specific component, though in a counseling environment, you will want to be using all of the separate parts more holistically for best results.

Preparation- Take the time to ready yourself before your client arrives (I am using client to describe the person being helped for ease of use, it could be your friend, family member or co-worker.) most people will be more at ease if you don’t meditate in front of them for the first five minutes they are there.
Start by relaxing and settling your mind into a meditative state. Don’t be afraid of going too deep. When you begin to talk to the other person your brainwave state will tend to rise somewhat anyway, so this should not be a problem.

Acknowledge your subconscious mind, by briefly holding a single concept, without words or pictures, for a few moments. Any concept will do. Since much of your work will have to be done on a conscious level, it is not of great benefit to plunge into deep conceptual processing at this point. Still, it will help your sensitivity, so make this part of your routine.
Take time to let go of your own preconceptions. Just accept that you may have some and set them aside. This will help your ability to perceive information that is somewhat foreign to your normal mode of operation.
Now that you are in a good starting place you will be able to better apply yourself to the counseling session.

Empathy/Telepathy- Since you are already in a light receptive state, it should be fairly easy to create an entrainment/resonance pattern with the other person. Since you are not going to be working in a deep trance state, catch the other persons eye for a few moments. It only takes a few seconds, since it is a natural process, allowing you to become more in synch with one another. Since you are most likely in a more mentally balanced and synchronized state than they are, due to your preparations, they will very likely pick up your mental pattern, making it easier to get a read on them later.
I am not going to tell you how to be an empath or telepath here (you can find out more about the topic in “Telepathy and Empathy: Getting started” by Dale Power.) rest assured though, that you have the capability to do these things, even without special training, as long as you stay relaxed and try! Practice and training help, but these are natural abilities you already posses.
As you speak to them, pay attention to any signals they are giving you. Remember that these signals may not always match what they are thinking on a conscious level at the time. Ask about these impressions, not to see if you are correct, but to see what they mean to the other person. Even things that do not make sense to you may be deeply important, so don’t shy away from what may seem to be a strange idea. Just ask them and see what happens.

Also, be aware of feelings of evasiveness or deception. Don’t hold it against the person if they try to hide embarrassing moments or feelings, this is natural, but do address it and point out it may be happening. With feedback they may be able to correct themselves.
Data tracing/linking- Often people will describe to you situations and individuals that are important to them. From their thoughts and descriptions of people and events you can gain direct information about how these other people actually feel and the true nature of the situation. This deeper understanding will allow you to aid your client in dealing with specific situations correctly. By asking careful questions you can cause your clients subconscious mind to supply you with honest information about what they should be doing in regard to these specific individuals and topics.
Part of your job, once you have this information, is to lead them to realize what they already know, with as little direct information as possible coming from you. Don’t tell them, for instance, “You like this person romantically, but they don’t feel the same way about you”. Instead ask questions around the situation until they come to the conclusion on their own. This assumes your understanding of the information is correct of course. It is possible to misinterpret things, even with absolutely correct information, which is another reason to take care in your statements! It is possible, for instance, that their subconscious mind will present to you the common feelings of the person on an issue, rather than the facts of the situation. If they often feel that no one likes them, lets say, it may look from the information they give you, that no one does, even though this is a false perception on their part! Try and make sure that your interpretation does not negatively impact the session, or the person, just as a general course of action.
Precognition- In their description of events to you, it is common to get a fairly clear sense of how a situation is going to turn out. You may be able to determine what will go well for them, as well as what is doomed to failure.

While you can warn them of what might work and what won’t, it is important to help them generate a specific plan of action, if they are going to make the best use of your warning. Make sure that they understand the situation and what their options are. Coach them in making a solid plan, including contingencies for unwelcome events. Any strategy generated by your client will have a greater impact on them and more likely be followed to completion. This does not ensure success, of course, but they will have a better chance at changing the direction of events with this foreknowledge and proper planning.
It is also possible to foresee health and emotional troubles well before there are any external signs. Some problems may indeed be needful to the growth of the person involved, so try to be sensitive to such situations, but many problems can be fixed well before they happen, saving grief all around.
Entrainment- As the other person is already entrained to you, it is possible to guide them to deeper states of mind, to a more complete connection with their own subconscious mind, by controlling your own thoughts.

By slowly moving into a deeper more synchronized state, you will draw them into a similar level as well. Once there, if you slowly and carefully begin to pay more attention to the conceptual content of thought, they will, on certain levels, do the same.
This will tend to make them more aware of themselves and what they need to do in life. Which will, in turn, allow them to deal with any problems they may have more effectively.
I know that this sounds easy to accomplish and with practice and attention to detail, it really is fairly straight forward, as all of these methods are based on naturally occurring processes. Still it takes some effort and the ability to get your own ego out of the way to be highly effective. Lack of ego involvement allows you to give advice suited to your client, rather than what you think they should do, based on your own opinion and preconceived notions of correct living.
This kind of work is, perhaps, the future of psychic ability. It combines a wonderful level of service to others with solid technique and utility that is easily seen by many people. All things that psychic work has been accused of lacking in the past.
This article and other helpful information can be found at : Please feel free to use this or any other materials on the site as you wish. We only ask that you reproduce this article as a wholeFree Reprint Articles, including the above link. Thank you.

Hajrat partyakshikaran paryog हाजरात प्रत्यक्षीकरण प्रयोग

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How to Get Ex Boyfriend Back Jealous

How to get ex boyfriend back jealous? If you and your boyfriend broke up because he was jealous, then the best way to bring him back is by convincing that he is the only man you want. Jealous is something normal. Do not get angry when he jealous to somebody else who closes to you. Do not forget, you and your boyfriend has committed to build a good relationship. If he leaved you because he was jealous, it showed that he loves you so much. You can explain about what was happened and convince him that he is the only man you love. Remember, trust and communication are two important factors on relationship.

How to get an Ex Boyfriend Back by Taking Responsibility on the Breakup

How to get an ex boyfriend back? If that is what you have in your mind right now, then you may want to evaluate the reason why the two of you break up in the first place. There are always some possibilities that you also responsible for the breakup. If that so, admit it to yourself and later to your ex boyfriend. Admit that you are partially responsible for that matter and you are willing to fix things up. Make him see that you are a much responsible woman than you used to be and it can help you to get him back.

Should You Make Grand Gestures of Love to Win Him Back

Do you have such romantic scenes of love? Have you ever watched Drew Barrymore in Never Been Kissed film? Her idea to make a grand gesture may inspire you to do the same.
A romantic grand gesture seems melting anyone easily. If you want to make grand gestures of love to win him back, you should think many times about this extravagant plan. Touching a man’s heart with sentimental method does not always work. Just give yourself space and time to bring the brand new you. If there is still hope and attraction left, you can confidently run the plan to win him back.

Tips How Can I Win Him Back Fast

Do you feel lonesome after breakup? Do you cry every night and wish that the separation is just a nightmare that won’t last long? Letting yourself drawn in desperation won’t fix the situation.
How can i win him back fast? It must be the question you keep asking lately. Instead of getting down on knees to beg him come back, you have to lift your head and move on. Take time to think about the reason of breakup. If it is your fault, you must wake up from the nightmare to fix it. Use the already built chemistry to start it all from the beginning.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Two Things On “How Do I Get My Girlfriend Back”

Getting the girlfriend back isn’t an easy task to do, especially if you have done something terrible to your ex (like having an affair with best friend of her). Although one may have a big mistake in the past, he likely wants his ex to go back. So, have you been dealing with such a question as how do I get my girlfriend back? If so, then the first thing to do is: consider everything carefully. You can choose whether you want to forget her completely (and then start looking for a new girlfriend), or trying to correct the mistakes youve made in the past. 

psychology Neuro Clinical Psychologist Personality Type

Psychologists & Neuro-Clinical Psychologists 
What type of personality type is needed to become a Neuro- clinical psycologist? This is a question sent to me by one of my subscribers. I appreciate the interest shown by the person in understanding the personality type of neuro-clinical psychologist before deciding whether the profession is the right one her. Before we understand What type of personality type is needed to become a Neuro- clinical psycologist, we need to know the  type of work clinical psychologists do.Clinical Psychology is a branch of medicine which investigates the depths and complexities of the mind. This analysis is done for two purposes. One is a general purpose where the clinical psychologist studies the workings of the mind and its influence on the body to develop a better understanding of how the human system works. The second purpose is to help people in therapy and improve their condition through mind-body healing principlesPsychologists study the mind. The intricate workings of the mind and an in depth study of cognition, behavior, and affect forms the main study of the psychologists. The specialties of this profession range from psychotherapists to clinicalpsychologists. Psychotherapists offer mental health services to clients. Clinical psychologists perform laboratory research and constantly strive to understand the workings of the mind. The subfileds of psychology include evolutionary psychology, mathematical psychology, abnormal psychology, social psychology, cognitive psychology, transpersonal psychology and neuro psychology. What do ClinicalPsychologists do? Clinical psychologists constitute the largest specialty under psychology. The clinicalpsychologists are concerned with the assessment of mental health, diagnosis of mental disorders. The clinical psychologists also help in prevention as well as treatment of mental disorders. Some clinicalpsychologists specialize in treating severe psychological disorders. Severe disorders may range from schizophrenia to depression. Some clinical psychologists help people deal with personal issues which may be related to divorce or separation from loved one due to death or some other reason. How do 

ClinicalPsychologists Work? Clinical psychologists make their clients express themselves and provide an opportunity for them to talk about things that are clouding their mind in doubt or worry. Whatever is confusing or worrying is shared with the clinical psychologist and he intervenes with the appropriate responses and promotes different ways of  interpreting whatever is happening in ones life. The client helped to understand the problem in all its complexity, and the analysis opens up a multi-view point rather than a one-track feeling leading to depression. What Personality Types are Best Suited to Become a Neuro Clinical Psyhcologist? 

If you want to become a neuro-clinical psychologist you should have the following characteristics: 1. A good, patient listener: You should be able to listen to your clients with an open mind, without any value judgement. You need a lot of patience waiting for the client to come out with the real crux of the matter. Rushing the clients and trying to get the main issue too soon will not be  successful as the client may completely shut up. 2. A passion for the workings of the mind: You need a passion to understand how the mind works and how it  affects peoples lives. This passion for research into the activities of the mind should be strong enough to withstand the frustrations of the profession. 3. A strong will power and an independent thinking:Most often you need to go along with the clients, empathize with them in order to get them to open up their deepest corners to you. But this should not cloud your thought and you should not get  carried away by the clients ideas. You need to have a strong will power and balance of mind to be able to think independently after completely agreeing with the clients way of 

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